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28 December 2010

Sportsmanship, Nationalism, and Mussolini

Indonesian soccer team was shown a demonstrative work. There is rapid development of performance-earlier performance. National team hailed as national heroes on the gridiron battlefield.

Indeed, in a scene between countries, Indonesia is less able to maximize his performance; a few tournaments last only a few times a game, then eliminated. However, for the people of Indonesia, AFF Cup 2010 is a milestone rise of Indonesian football.

Some things to note is precious to us about the mentality of the player, which began to appear there champion character. Ability and teamwork is a decisive aspect in every game. Not only is the game of individual stars, but all lines of the weapon. Furthermore, no longer a matter of winning or losing, but how the players have the vision and mission of a champion. Sportsmanship! That's one important point about the mentality of a winner.

"Nationalization" National Team

Each time held AFF Cup 2010, tens of thousands of supporters to meet the stadium and sing songs of encouragement. Being a new phenomenon in which the stadium management policy issues being discussed. Changes in the trend of a sudden it makes the management of Bung Karno stadium in Jakarta overwhelmed. Enthusiasm of people who want to see on one side and the limited facilities on the other side makes numerous protests over dissatisfaction with the service the stadium. Public interest, not only lovers of football only, in support of Red and White teams can be seen clearly.

Most eastern region until most western Indonesia as if put together. We had the same hope and support national team to win games. Furthermore, within each, appear to have a sense of Indonesia, which form simply materialized in the form of national team who played against teams from neighboring countries.

AFF national team glory in 2010 from his first game until the final - which previously had been preceded by expectations of the community - raises several implications. First, nationalism in the sense of forming a string bond formed images of nationhood. The emotional attachment between individuals become emerged and strengthened set aside the boundaries of ethnicity, religion, and class are merged in a feeling of nationality: Indonesian. Condition "gemeinschaft" Ferdinand Tonnies style that says about the pool of people with minds are bound to one another with the purpose of connectedness between individuals with a wrapping of values occur in this phenomenon. With its unique, romantic patriotic, sports make individuals who separate prior to immerse themselves in a new form: fans.

Second, the long wait Indonesian football community will create high expectations. With the bad experience of Indonesian football is always synonymous with emotionality and violence, the mentality of society today as supporters and the national team as a player on the field began to take shape. The development of attitudes and actions of fans and players showed sportsmanship in any matches as one of the most important points, in addition to skill development and game engineering. National team appearance at this precise moment brings both the positive impacts.

Nationalism or Euphoria?

Sporting events, especially with inter-state level, not just about matches involving players, supporters, and in the range of a few minutes of the game. Like the clash of political categorization level, international level sport can be said of high-level politics rather than just low-level. With a model characterized by high-level image of the war, the victory of one party in a game has some influence on inter-state image. Victory team will display the meaning of establishment conditions in the country, the level of maturity of society, winning mentality, and high attention in terms of public tertiary (sport).

The final match AFF 2010 this time for instance, which brought Indonesia and Malaysia. Clash of interests and issues that some times heated between the two countries made the final match AFF 2010 this became sort of part of proving yourself. With the background of the intertwined relationship between the two countries before like that, the game is full of top symbol in it.

The condition that the sport became a kind of high-level politics reminiscent of the World Cup event in early generations. In 1938 was the third time the World Cup was held, held in France. The situation of war and political instability at that time make sports competition between countries and the World Cup it becomes a tool of political imagery. More than that, to a certain extent, the prestige of winning the World Cup is projected as a tool ideologizing and acquisition effects. Benito Musollini who led Italy at that time saw that the World Cup is an effective tool in the middle of the situation, and give a mandate to win it as he had previously won in 1934. Italy won the World Cup again. However, there are interesting things at that time. Because of his passion, Mussolini until the threat to his players that defeat was death to them.

In the context of the Indonesian national team finals, the public expectation of victory in the AFF Cup brings certain pressures in it, for the players. Achievements of the Indonesian national team who jumped to the attention of many people, at once raises the potential politicization of the final match. Edward W. Said in his Orientalism (1979), or Ben Anderson in his Imagined Community (1983), it describes the condition of narrow nationalist sentiment among nations and within it, where any form of communication to potential politicization. But, basically anything like that can be recognized and avoided if each party as subject to re-interpret the object.

Experience World Cup 1938 by Mussolini's politicization and the threat to Italy's players to bring victory for the second consecutive year. However, it is a different interpretation of the spirit of nationalism and sport sportsmanship. Just after passing through a long period, 44 years from that time, Italy could sense the position of champion again. Reduction of the meaning of nationalism and the politicization of sports sportsmanship may be effective to be doping of the players, but it proved not to last long with based on the pressure. One - one actually can not play, because nervous with his own family (read: fans).

Indonesia-Malaysia-final match yesterday however was able to show the implications of meaning-meaning as above. However, it should be understood within the framework of nationalism and genuine sportsmanship. It would be very unfortunate if nationalism and sportsmanship that have been formed in the person of each - were the people of Indonesia as a unitary nation will corrupt its meaning by thinking that is not productive. This sort of thing would only be a euphoria that will instantly disappear, like the victory of "nationalism" which helped Italy Mussolini vanished out of their office.

If we can maintain the spirit of nationalism and sportsmanship without reductions political and sheer euphoria, then it is true that "Eagle on indonesian chest!" or "GARUDA di dada rakyat Indonesia".

adapted from : Detiksport

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